LightStream Marketing


Campaign management toolbox

Our LightStream Marketing solution provides a rich set of proprietary tools to create adaptive online marketing campaigns that drive business results.


The campaign management process is managed seamlessly using our configurable end-to-end workflow engine. Work is divided and assigned to project stakeholders, from marketers and designers to data analysts and project managers. The workflow engine automatically notifies project stakeholders when new tasks are ready to commence.

Media asset library

Manage your media assets from a single central location. Categorize your media assets for quick retrieval using metadata. Browse and locate the media you need to bring your marketing campaign to life.

Layout templates

Create professional templates that provide a consistent look and feel to your online advertisements. Save your templates for later reuse.

International support

Enable content authors to localize training material to extend your reach to international markets.

Stickynote annotations

Reviewers can add Stickynote annotations to request changes during the content authoring process. Reviewers need to approve changes before your rich media content can be published.


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